WiT Webinar: Women and Money: Take Control of Your Financial Independence

Personal Development,

Presented by: Karla Ukman

Are you achieving your financial goals? Have you encountered any challenges along the way? While there's a perception that women might struggle with money management, it's essential to acknowledge that women have successfully navigated obstacles on the journey to financial independence, dispelling societal myths and breaking generational patterns.

The first step in gaining financial independence is acknowledging all the BS society puts on women and how this affects the relationship and mindset with money. Once we do this, women can begin their  journey of empowerment to change their relationship with money and build financial independence.

We will cover:

  • Cultural and societal challenges women face
  • Myths about women and money
  • Mindset shift
  • Ways you can start to take control of your financial independence 

About the Presenter

Karla is not your fathers advisor.  She is a mom, Founder & Wealth Planner where she empowers women with their money in a no judgment space!

She is the GPS in your financial journey by making sure you are in control of your money choices through education and not  “because I said so”.

Karla lives in St. Louis, MO, volunteers at the local animal shelter, loves coffee and chocolate!